STL Operations team training day! Sharpening both our skills and tools, as the team was introduced to the state of art Wire Rope Tester for performing NDT (non destructive testing) on steel wir rope slings. TCK-W Equipment Trainer was invited in-house to provide the valuable training and sharing session.
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) is a type of Non-Destructive Test (NDT) method used to detect surface and slightly subsurface flaws in ferromagnetic materials; It's commonly used in the industry for inspection on welds and structural materials...
CNY 2024 Store Closure Period - For Information - STL, SING TECK LEONG
Wishing Everyone a Happy an Prosperous Chinese/ Lunar New Year 2024
STL preferred socketing solution with safety, dependability and excellent fatigue performance in mind for the Steel Wire Rope end termination. Cold Socketing Procedure, Using Wirelock on Spelter Socket
Load Testing on Speader Beam, Spreader Frame; Test Service to meet regulatory requirements, in compliance of the examination and testing requirements for statutory lifting equipment